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Creating micro-learning videos with Microsoft Stream

Roughly 86% of employees say that job training is important to them—and nearly three out of every four (74%) are willing to learn things outside of work hours to improve their job performance.

Your employees can only do this if you make learning resources available for them!


To achieve high performance, research shows that 70% of learning should be specific to your workplace, not the generic learning found on YouTube, Linkedin or elsewhere. That means your organisation needs to create a body of learning content which is specific and relevant to your employees.

Video learning is a great choice for this because it is quick to create and quick to consume.

Developing a body of learning might sound daunting to undertake, but it's really not. You most likely have talented people at your disposal to create what is known as user-generated content.

This video will show you how anyone can create video content with ease, and how to share it with your team or beyond.

You could go one step further by creating a company specific learning library and uploading the learning that you create into our employee experience platform here.

We hope this inspires you to create learning videos for your workers, and to provide self-service learning as a modern way of working at your organisation.

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